Fat Positive Mentoring Intensive

I welcome anyone who is fat to join me in this 4-week mentoring intensive yoga programme. I am a medium fat yoga teacher, and I have a strong love and respect for my fellow fat folks. Whatever fategory you inhabit on the fatness spectrum, from small fat to infinifat and beyond I would love to work with you. This is NOT a diet or weight loss scheme! There will be absolutely no diet talk and no fat shaming

You may be absolutely brand new to yoga, have many years of experience or be somewhere in-between. Whatever your previous experience we will work together from where you are now with the vision of gently moving towards wherever it is you want to go


EVERY BODY Positive Mentoring Intensive

The EVERY BODY Positive Mentoring Intensive follows the same outline as the Fat Positive Intensive. I am dedicated to working with people who would like to practice yoga but have worried that they wouldn’t belong or feel welcomed. I welcome you if you are trans, or gender queer, I welcome you if you are disabled or in recovery from addiction or illness, I welcome you if you are tired, stiff or old, I welcome you if you are of the Global Majority or an ethnic minority, if you decided yoga wasn’t for you, try me, I fit many of these identities myself…

You may be absolutely brand new to yoga, have many years of experience or be somewhere in-between. Whatever your previous experience we will work together from where you are now with the vision of gently moving towards wherever it is you want to go


Small Group Mentoring Intensives

These can be either Fat Positive

or EVERY BODY Positive Groups

Enjoy the close and supportive attention of one-to-one yoga and yoga mentoring, with the added bonus of a small group of peers.