Accessible Pricing - Our Sliding Scale Explained
Our sliding scale is made up of two price points
Pay what it costs
Market rate for a 1hr yoga class
This price point is set at a typical market rate and helps Light Yoga Space to grow and flourish and offer even more yoga.
Is this for you?
I can comfortably meet my basic needs
I own my own home or property, or rent a higher end property
I am employed and/or do not need to work to meet my basic needs
I have access to financial savings
I have available disposable income
I can easily afford to buy new things and participate in leisure activities
I can easily afford holidays and to take time off when I need to
Pay a bit less
Set a bit lower to allow more accessibility
This price is set a bit lower to allow more accessibility whilst still enabling us to cover the basic costs of running Light Yoga Space as is.
Is this for you?
I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly meet them
My rent or mortgage takes up a noticeable chunk of my income but I do still have enough left over to do some nice things
I may have debts but it doesn’t prohibit me from meeting my basic needs
I am employed
I have some disposable income
I can buy new things and participate in leisure activities but I have to budget to do so
I can take holidays but it is not always affordable
If you have financial struggles and would really love to have a strong committed yoga practice but cannot afford the above prices please contact me. Some lower cost and/or barter memberships are available.
Once you know which price point is right for you you can purchase your classes by clicking the button below
Sliding Scale FAQ’s
Why have a sliding scale?
Some of us can effortlessly pay for yoga classes at market rate, others of us find ourselves needing to forfeit something else in order to do so whilst others of us are simply priced out all together and can’t come at all. We don’t all have an equal amount of available funds but we should all be able to benefit from the practice of yoga
Why not just charge everybody the low price point or not charge at all if you want yoga to be completely accessible?
Traditionally in India and other parts of South Asia yoga would have been offered freely and donations would have been made to the ashrams or teachers to allow the exchange to flow. In our western market economy donations for services isn’t widely practiced and we have discovered through trial and error that when we’ve offered events by donation only we were not able to cover running costs. For the Light Yoga Space project to be sustainable, for our running costs to be covered, and to generate an income for Janice who runs the project and teaches most classes as their only job, and to be able to hire services to support the growth of Light Yoga Space such as someone to help with marketing, guest teachers etc., we have found that our offerings need to be charged for and yet it is deeply important to us that yoga remains financially accessible. The sliding scale seems like a really equitable way of doing this. Our goal is not to be a big corporate yoga studio, our goal is to humbly offer beautiful and accessible classical hatha yoga to anyone who wants to come along and to generate enough resources to continue to do so in a sustainable way. We ask you to have a look at our two different price points and work out what is possible for you and then contribute what you can through our payment system
Do I have to get permission to pay the lower price points?
No. I work on trust. You get to decide which price point is right for you.
My finances change from month to month is it OK to pick a higher price point sometimes and a lower price point at other times?
YES! absolutely. You get to choose exactly what you pay according to what you can genuinely afford. I only ask you that you do a little bit of self reflection before choosing your price point. You may find yourself somewhere between price points and that is fine. You get to choose which price point fits most comfortably at any given time