Breathe Relax Meditate

Live Online Pranayama & Meditation Sessions

Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.

For your own home meditation, pranayama and relaxation practice, please scroll down to enjoy these free recorded sessions led by Janice Kate. You might like to view the first short instructional video below first

This is a short instructional video to go alongside these practice sessions, with a few tips on how to practice the breathing exercise. This is also a good prequel to watch before coming along to our weekly evening streamed breathing, relaxation and meditation sessions.

Free Taster Sessions

20 minutes. Relaxation, 1 round of Kapalabhati, 2 minute meditation and final relaxation

12 minute very gentle pranayama practice (no relaxation pose)

30 minutes: Gentle guided pranayama & relaxation

  1. With yogic breathing breathe through your nose as much as you can and try to keep your mouth closed throughout

  2. Breathe through your mouth though if it gets difficult or your nose is very blocked

  3. Let the abdomen rise gently, like a balloon as you slowly inhale, and as you exhale let the belly gently deflate lightly drawing the belly button back. Drawing the belly back subtly as you exhale gently pushes the diaphragm up and empties the lungs. Nice and slow and gentle breathing

  4. When we start to pump the breath in Kaphalabhati (the pumping breath exercise) the teacher will be counting ‘one/two’ it sounds more like ‘hun/tu’ you exhale on the ‘one/hun’ sound, and release the exhalation, and passively inhale on the ‘two/tu’ sound

  5. To exhale during the pumping practice we make a gentle but sharp/fast contraction of the abdomen (think of blowing a feather of your upper lip with your nose, whilst pulling the belly back at the same time), and to inhale we just release the contraction in the abdomen and the air will passively enter the lungs again without effort, like letting the air back in an accordion

  6. With both breathing exercises only do as much as you can, feeling comfortable and relaxed, if at any point it feels too much, allow yourself to come and lie down and relax don’t force the exercises

  7. During both the breathing and the meditation practices, see if you can allow yourself to keep your spine upright and straight as possible, and your shoulders relaxed, back a little, and down, and keep your body as still as you can with no unnecessary movements

  8. More importantly though make sure you are as comfortable as possible in your sitting pose and relaxed

  9. ENJOY :)

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